Privacy Policy


The operator of the e-shop Zara Guitar Editions on the web page ,

ID no. 00938459 with registered office in Prague, processes personal data provided by the Buyer for the purpose of fulfilling and additionally confirming the Terms of Trade, for the purpose of processing the electronic order, execution of delivery, accounting of payments and necessary communication between the contractual parties for a period required by special legal regulations.  

Basic Provisions

1.The Administrator of personal data, pursuant to s. 5 letter o) of Act no. 18/2018 On the protection of personal data in the wording of later provisions (hereinafter referred to as the „Act“), is Miroslav Žára, ID no. 00938459, with registered office in Prague, Jažlovická, 14900 (hereinafter referred to as the „Administrator“);

2. The Administrator’s contact details are: 


3. Personal data means any information identifying a physical or legal person. 

Sources of Processed Personal Data

  1. The Administrator processes personal data provided by the Buyer with his consent, obtained by the Administrator on the basis of the execution of the Purchase

Contract and processing of an electronic order in the internet store;

  1. The Administrator only processes identification and contact data of the Buyer necessary for the execution of the Purchase Contract; 
  2. The Administrator processes personal data for the purposes of delivery, accounting of payments and necessary communication between the contractual parties for a period required by special legal regulations.  Personal data shall not be published or transferred to other countries. 

Purpose of Processing Personal Data

The Administrator processes the Buyer’s personal data for the following reasons:

  1. For the purpose of sale at the web page:

 pursuant to section 13 para. 1 letter a) of Act no. 18/2018 On the protection of personal data;

  1. For the purpose of processing the Buyer’s electronic order (name, address, e-mail); 
  2. For the purpose of fulfilling the rights and obligations under the contractual relationship between the Buyer and the Administrator; 
  3. The providing of personal data prerequisite for the execution of the Purchase Contract. The contract cannot be concluded if personal data is not provided.   

Period for Storing Personal Data

  1. The Administrator keeps the personal data for a period necessary to exercise the rights and obligations from the contractual relationship between the Buyer and the Administrator and for a period of 3 years after the termination of the contractual relationship. 
  2. Upon expiry of the period for storing personal data the Administrator must delete the data.

Recipients and Processors of Personal Data

The third parties that receive the Buyer’s personal data are the sub-suppliers of the Administrator.  The services of these sub-suppliers are unconditionally related to the successful execution of the Purchase Contract and electronic order between the Administrator and the Buyer.

The Administrator’s sub-suppliers are:

• the operator of the SimpleShop e-shop platform :

 (Sokolská 1095, 280 02 Kolín, the company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file 187755) 

Rights of the Buyer

According to the terms set out in the Act, the Buyer has a right to:

  1. Access his personal data; 
  2. insert personal data into pdf for protection against sharing
  3. Delete his personal data; 
  4. Raise objections against processing; 
  5. Transferability of data; 
  6. Revoke his consent to the processing of personal data in writing or electronically to the e-mail address:;
  7. Lodge a complaint at the Office for the protection of personal data in case he assumes his right to the protection of personal data has been breached.  

Securing of Personal Data

1. The Administrator proclaims that he has adopted all suitable technical and organisational measures necessary for the security of the Buyer’s personal data;

 2. The Administrator adopted technical measures to secure the data storage of personal data, namely securing access to the computer by a password, use of an antivirus program and regular computer maintenance. 

Final Provisions

  1. By submitting an electronic order on the web page: the Buyer confirms that he has been acquainted with the terms of protection of personal data and accepts them in full scope;

  1. The Buyer agrees to these Rules by checking a box in the order; 
  2. The Administrator is entitled to make changes to these Rules at any time. He is obliged to publish the new version of the Rules on his web page. 


These Rules are valid as of 10.11. 2023  


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